I Talk To Energy

I know, I know these posts are so short lately and probably not even worth the time, I'm sorry I'm just really busy lately trying to keep my life together! 

But in the midst of all this chaos that my life is... I'm currently celebrating my gifts... Or curse. Depending what day you talk to me. 

I used to call my gift, mediumship... or rather, the ability to talk to the dead but tonight I somehow happened upon pictures of cold cases and I noticed I was able to know the events that caused these victims deaths before actually reading the descriptions below the photos.

This reminded me of two times I was riding in a vehicle and suddenly felt overcome by unexplainable maladies.

Most recent moment was here in Tampa...

While waiting at a red light on Nebraska Ave in front of what appears to be an abandoned club and strip I suddenly tasted blood in my mouth. It was so strong I spit in my hand and ran my index finger around my mouth to see if I was bleeding. My husband asked me if I was ok because I suddenly began to feel extremely ill or weak I'm not sure which, it felt like I was badly injured but I wasn't! 

Then strange images of strippers and working girls began to flood my mind... It was so overwhelming between the taste of blood in my mouth and the images I was so glad the light suddenly changed because I instantly felt so much better! 

But, just to be sure I asked my husband to make a U-Turn and drive slowly past that street again. Sure enough the strange images and taste of blood in my mouth returned. So I returned home and did some research... 

I...was... speechless!

On that very street, Nebraska Ave, there was a strip club called the Sly Fox Lounge and the strip or block just outside of it was frequented by working girls back in the 80s and as such it was also frequented by Bobby Joe Long... One of Tampa most prolific serial killers. https://www.the-sun.com/news/3015939/bobby-joe-long-victims-lisa-mcvey/

Another time I experienced this was back in the mid 2000s, I was riding in a car somewhere in Maryland, I can't remember where so don't ask! ... We crossed the train tracks, parked and got out. Suddenly I was hit with the most awful, gut wrenching stomach pain, it hurt so bad I keeled over and needed help walking. 

I mean the pain was seriously intense... It felt like a burning sensation mixed with some kind of weird pressure, like someone poured acid in my stomach then put their whole fist in my belly button. It was then that one of my friends who was there with us that day and lived on that road told me a guy had been shot in the stomach where we were standing. 

As soon as we moved away from that spot the pain and weakness went away. 

This is why rather than say I'm a medium and just talk to the dead, I prefer to say, I'm a conduit and I talk to energy: to events, to places, to dimensions, to feelings, to spirits, to timelessness...to energy. 

If you really think about it..we conduits, can and do, occasionally, exist outside of space and time. 


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