Experiences With The Government

 Originally posted September 18th...

Today they harassed me again then gave me a card and told me to go to a certain municipal building on a Saturday. These buildings aren't open on Saturdays! so I was so confused and wondering why they'd tell me to go to that municipal building on a Saturday!. But something was telling me no.... I guess I'll never know....again. 

The above occured 09/15/2023

Something similar happened when I was looking to join the military for reasons I can't understand. Don't get me wrong I have GREAT respect for our service members and the military, but me? In the military? LOL what a joke, I'm a chicken! But anyhow, I spoke to a recruiter, who then told me to grab my ID and head to Fort Meade military base, now I don't know anything about nothing when it comes to military bases, so when they told me to bring my ID and head to Fort Meade I thought, ok. That shouldn't be too hard. Half way there, I heard a voice in my head, it literally sounded like someone was talking to me in my car! In the passenger seat. But it was in my head! 

It made me come to a dead stop in the middle of traffic. I turned the car around and went home. It told me I was in danger, it told me to turn around now. I didn't know why I was in danger, I trust our military with my whole heart but something warned me loud and clear. It wasn't until years later that I married a military service member, that I understood a bit more. My military spouse informed me that there's no way any recruiters would tell me to only bring an ID much less go to Fort Meade to sign up for service. So to this day I wonder, who was I actually talking to? Why'd they tell me to go to Fort Meade with only an ID? 

Anyways. After getting those abilities and being on that UFO craft and being implanted I began to be visited by men in black suites. Just like the damn movie. They were everywhere and nowhere. They wanted me to talk about my experiences. At first they were cordial and polite but let me tell you they are the kings of passive aggressiveness. Oh boy are they. I've been injected and chased by them into different realities. After a while they got tired of the charades and just stalked all my realities hoping to catch the beings in action. And they weren't just interested in the ET encounters oh no. By this time I was seeing and encountering other beings too and they stalked those encounters too.


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