Excessive nose bleeds after 2nd UFO Encounter

After sometime my encounters with the men in black stopped but so did the extraterrestrial encounters too. I could finally just be normal. Until my mother (I'm adopted) started telling me odd things. She said she'd have nightmares about me disappearing and she'd wake up and I'd be gone. Then out of nowhere she'd find me. Anyways. I left out an interesting point in my previous posts. After being taken on the craft for the first time, I'd have severe nose bleeds to the point that my mom had to get towels.

It was every night for weeks. Finally my mom sought medical care. The ER doctor finally told us that I had an object in my nose but couldn't remove it. To this day I guess it's still in there I don't know but the nosebleeds did stop eventually. Fast forward a few years, and I was sitting outside with a friend, we both happened to look up and saw a craft. It was huge. It looked like it covered all of NYC. We were both teens at the time. I ran inside and hid. There was something about this craft. It wasn't like the other id been in. It felt very strange.

After the major sighting I came back out hesitantly. My friend said he was asking the other neighbors about it but no one seemed to remember seeing that craft but me and my friend. I was just glad it was gone. My friend and I went back to playing and put it out of our minds.

That night I went to sleep and had a very odd dream. I dreamt that portals opened up in my room and two beings came out. One an Angel the other demon...the demon tried to take my energy or soul and the Angel fought to get it back, this kept happening for a while, then the Angel won and said in time I'll understand that I am just like them when I grow up. I don't know if that dream was related to the craft sighting. And to this day I don't fully understand the dream.


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