Using A Comet As A Nuke?

I'm mentally fucked from the dream I just had! I dreamt I was walking up a hill in a park with my son and America was under attack. I kept seeing missiles hitting us but there was some kind of grid. Then one missile actually hit .. except it was a nuke and it was green and Looked like halley's comet! Then my son and I got hit by the shockwave. It felt like a really cool wind and it knocked us off our feet and we started like tumbling and being thrown. Then we got up and continued our journey. Next thing I know, there was a weird feeling..and It felt like weird in my tummy, but it felt like I was separated suddenly from my body. Like the feeling of falling but not. Anyhow, then me and my son smiled and realized we were now ghosts and we walked up another hill but in a hotel and we started rising and going up.


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