Autographs and Cute Horror Merch!

If you know me and or have read this blog enough, I am sure you know by now that I have an unhealthy obsession with the Paranormal Activity franchise; I have binged the series several times, probably could recite every line word for word! anyways I digress. 

I got this poster autographed by Katie Featherston, and I'm fucking ecstatic!

signed paranormal activity poster

I also got this adorable little purse that, even though it is a little too small for all the crap I carry in my purse, I still love that it is a gremlin purse. I really wish they had more horror-themed bags like traditional ones. 

cute gremlins bag

Stay tuned to my next post about my newly purchased Dybbuk box from eBay and its frightening backstory and strange occurrences in my home! 


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